Meet Brecky Breck
Who is Breck Johnson?
Breck Johnson, the face of Brecky Breck, is a 32-year-old wife and mother of 4. She’s passionate about using fun and exciting experiences to encourage little ones to be imaginative, creative, and cultivate a LOVE of learning!
“If I don’t evaluate my heart and mind and find the tiny parts that aren’t functioning at full capacity, I’ll miss out on becoming my complete potential. Staying proactive in my thought processes, my physical and emotional health, all plays a vital role in who I am, and where I’m going. So with everything I do, I want to make it count, man! You feel me?! It’s time to wake up my friends.”
When we question things and how they work, it’s important to utilize that curiosity and explore! Breck hopes to encourage children to be bold with their exploration and direct their energy at finding a positive way of viewing the world and the memories we make together, with our family and friends! We can’t wait to get to know the families and little ones encouraged and entertained by Brecky Breck!

Our Mission.
Family Friendly
YouTube (and internet streaming as a whole) is such a valuable platform in this time of the internet. The problem is that there is a lot of content that is not safe or appropriate for our kids, even though it might be categorized as Children’s. Our goal with Brecky Breck is to create a safe and engaging learning experience for children. We will be working with YouTube and partners alike to produce videos and compile YouTube Playlists that will allow parents to give their children access to safe YouTube content.
Be sure to Subscribe to our main Brecky Breck YouTube channel to catch all of the latest videos.
Community Resources
Young With Kids is a platform that celebrates young parents. But we want it to be more than just a publishing platform to drive views/likes/engagements, we want this to be a hub of resources for parents to find inspiration, get help with issues, and share ups and downs as we navigate the journey of parenting.
Along with our family Vlog, Young With Kids will focus on building other YouTube channels, growing our contributor blog, and hosting some pretty awesome YWK Meetups/ events. We will focus on two perspectives; Content for the kids and content for the parents.
Want to connect?